Alexandra Arnold, MSPsy, MSHR/OD ACC, founder of Alma Coaching & Consulting, is an ICF-accredited Climate Resilience Coach and Consultant. She trained with Climate Change Coaches, is a member of the Climate Coaching Alliance, the Climate Psychology Alliance, and the She Changes Climate mentoring program. She uses positive psychology, Appreciative Inquiry and the positive intelligence framework to help her clients (especially introverts, empaths and highly sensitive people) who are overwhelmed by climate change and wish they could manage their stress, grief, anger, and sense of helplessness ("climate anxiety") to take manageable and meaningful action or those who need support addressing the many dilemma linked to the climate crisis (career choices, lifestyle and family choices, strained relationships, etc). Climate coaching can also help managers, leaders, and activists to identify their most important values and motivations, clarify and set realistic and meaningful goals, make decisions with confidence, increase their influence, improve work-life balance and prevent burnout, while taking into consideration questions of sustainability and embracing a systems perspective. Alex hosts Climate Cafés, workshops on building emotional climate resilience, and offers a 12-week online course, From Climate Anxiety to Climate Resilience ( She is also the Executive Consultant for The Taos Institute, a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to promoting relational, collaborative and appreciative practices across disciplines and around the world. She has been a regular contributor to the AI Practitioner Journal for two years and now sits on the editorial board. In her free time, Alex volunteers at a therapeutic horse farm and enjoys the beautiful outdoors in Vermont.